Open Innovation Challenges

What is an OpenCase?

OpenCases are an easy way for companies to gain innovative, new, and exciting solutions to complex business problems.

OpenCases are designed for companies to create challenges based around real issues they are currently facing. The OpenCases module on CapSource assist companies in defining the challenge, scope, and timeline of the project.

Once set up, students from top universities will work to solve the challenge presented in the project asynchronously. Companies will receive final reports to review and give feedback.

Beneifts of an OpenCase on CapSource


CapSource Project Builder allows companies to easily define the project challenge, scope, and timeline. Once complete, easily manage all deliverables and give feedback from the dashboard!


Connect with top talent from leading universities and business schools, gaining access to some of the brightest minds and future leaders. This can be an excellent way to identify and attract top talent for internships or future job openings within your company.


Gain a fresh perspective on long time challenges. Allow students to provide innovative and exciting solutions for challenges the company faces.

How to Begin your OpenCase Experience...

Sign-up on the CapSource Platform

Sign-up to begin creating your personalized OpenCase experience. This experience will assist your company in finding innovative, new, and exciting solutions to current business problems.


Build Your Individualized Case

The CapSource Project Builder will assist companies in defining the challenge, scope, goals, and timeline of the project. Here you will be able to customize the project as well as set a timeline for students.

Add Resources for the Project

Once you’ve finished building the OpenCase it is time to upload resources to the website. This is when you will add things such as pitch materials, articles, and any other information students need for the project.

Publish the Case and Receieve Student Deliverables

Once published, this OpenCase will be available for any of our thousands of university professors active on the platform. When a professor selects your OpenCase, you will be notified and receive all final deliverables when completed. You will be able to review these deliverables as well as provide feedback to the participants.

Ready to Get Started

Sign-up and begin building your OpenCase or schedule time and meet with the CapSource team to discuss a project!