Bridging the Workforce Gap: Empowering our Next Generation
In today’s rapidly evolving job market, the gap between the skills possessed by entry-level talent and the expectations of industry leaders is wider than ever before. According to recent studies, a staggering 89% of industry leaders do not strongly believe that entry-level talent has the skills and experience needed to succeed in the workplace. This discrepancy has resulted in organizations mandating an average of 3 years of work experience for 61% of entry-level jobs, creating the workforce crisis we currently face.
As the United States grapples with close to 10 million unfilled job openings, there is a parallel struggle for the 19 million college students and 7 million unemployed individuals who are unable to find work-based experiences they need to qualify for open jobs. This glaring mismatch in our labor environment presents a unique opportunity for innovative workforce developers interested in better serving both talent and employers.

When organizations like New York University and Florida State University choose to partner with CapSource, they are choosing to pioneer workforce development within their institution in order to better engage, train, and place next-gen talent within their growing industry networks.
The pressing workforce crisis demands a paradigm shift and CapSource is proud to be at the forefront of this transformative movement. By providing a solution to connect eager students and re-trained, up-skilled workers with industry leaders through carefully designed collaborations, CapSource addresses the crucial need for hands-on experience that traditional educational models often fall short of fulfilling. With CapSource, the focus is on organizing, facilitating, and accrediting work-based learning experiences that empower individuals to step confidently into their careers, filling the void of those 10 million vacant job openings.
CapSource’s innovative learning and hiring ecosystem stands as a catalyst for change, empowering academic and industry partners to build and manage high-impact, scalable experiential programs. The platform serves as a bridge between education and work, ensuring that the next generation workforce is equipped with the network connections and reference worthy experiences demanded by today’s industries.
One of CapSource’s is our ability to help organizations of all types engage, train, and place the next-gen talent. The platform facilitates a dynamic and interactive learning environment where learners can gain real-world experience by working on project-based learning, case-based learning and mentoring-based learning collaborations.
These 3 modules are designed to mirror the challenges and opportunities that young professionals must be prepared for throughout their early career. By fostering this connection between workforce developers and industry, CapSource facilitates a smoother transition for student-talent into the professional world, while also reducing the time and effort required for organizations to recruit and train new hires.

CapSource is also committed to scalability in its solution. The platform allows all types of organizations to build and manage high-impact, scalable experiential learning and hiring programs as well as track their network, engagements, and key outcomes through data analytics and reporting.
With CapSource, we can transform workforce education by making learning more practical and industry-relevant.
If you’re interested in more intentionally engaging, training, and placing emerging talent, CapSource would love to serve as your technology partner by making program development and tracking seamless and easy. By leveraging the power of the experiential learning and hiring approach, CapSource can help you bridge the gap between education and industry, offering a solution that not only meets the needs of industry leaders but also empowers the next generation of workers to thrive in a competitive job market.
Please join the conversation: We would love your input! What are your experiences, challenges, and goals? Join us over the next few weeks in this blog as we explore these points and share experiences and perspectives from participants or register today and begin exploring CapSource’s free version to get started.