Marketing Analyst Spring 2022 Externship

Employment Opportunities

The top performing students will be offered summer internships and potentially full time offers at Coinsource!


Certificates of Completion validate the reference-worthy skills & experiences gained throughout the competition!

Professional Networking

The exposure to Coinsource executives & other industry leaders in business & technology is truly unique.

How It Works

1. Apply to Participate

We ask you to complete a quick case assessment to ensure your drive and commitment to the internship and showcase your skills.

** Applicants must be graduate students, undergraduate seniors, or recent graduates **

2. Get Placed on a Team

If selected, CapSource curates your 4-person team based on skills, location, and other interests to ensure student success.

3. Solve Case Challenge

Teams compete (with a real marketing budget of $3,000) to achieve the most traction on a brand new Bitcoin ATM that Coinsource is planning to launch!

4. Share Deliverables

Top-performing candidates will be awarded with a full-time paid internship for the summer, starting in June. If successful throughout the follow on internship, you’ll be provided with a full-time position, including benefits, to work on Coinsource’s marketing team.

Dates & Deliverables

January 7th, 2022

Application & Case Assessment Due

January 17th, 2022

Kickoff Webinar & Materials Released

March 18th, 2022

Top 4 Final Presentations

Participants Accepted on Rolling Basis

More the host company, Coinsource!

Coinsource, the world's leader in Bitcoin ATMs, has established itself as the industry leader through its proprietary software and services. This innovative fast-growing company is getting ready to launch their new product offering to disrupt and redefine the banking industry, and bring support to the millions of unbanked and underbanked Americans.

They are looking for creative and driven individuals to create a go-to-market strategy that will be presented to Coinsource executives.

Gain reference-worthy experience in topics related to:

Data Management

Growth Strategy


PR & Communications

Reporting, Financial Planning & Analysis

Then, showcase your new skills to your professional network...

Hear from Past Student Participants