Professional Development Topics ➜ Goal Setting
Title & Content | Type | Due Date |
Post-Engagement Survey
Mentors and Mentees please use the following link to complete the Post-Engagement Survey |
Evaluation | After 21 Days |
Meeting One - Conversation Starters
REMINDER: During this meeting, you must discuss a time to schedule Meeting 2, please refer to the Timeline below for the date for Meeting 2 and work with each other to schedule time for Meeting 2 on the date indicated in the Timeline item: Meeting Two – Conversation Starters. |
Event | After 0 Days |
Meeting Two - Conversation Starters
REMINDER: During this meeting, you must discuss a time to schedule Meeting 3, please refer to the Timeline below for the date for Meeting 3 and work with each other to schedule time for Meeting 3 on the date indicated in the Timeline item: Meeting Three – Conversation Starters. |
Event | After 13 Days |
Meeting Three - Conversation Starters
Event | After 20 Days |
Pre-meeting Assignment
The difference between a goal and a dream is the written word. -Gene Donohue Think about where you see yourself in 1-5 years. Record your responses and be ready to share and discuss these with your mentor.
Pre Meeting | After -2 Days |
Review the Indeed article SMART Goals: Definitions and Examples to learn more about the SMART goals framework and its use for formulating and setting goals. Use the SMART framework to formulate, define, and prepare a written draft of 1 professional goal and 1 personal goal (outside of profession/career). Recognize this is the first draft, and make note of any criteria that need clarification or further development in the following meeting. Make sure you address the following questions for each goal:
Time-bound: By what point in time will you accomplish this goal? Can you identify a specific date or month, for instance? |
Submission Required | After 11 Days |
Final Deliverable
Document your SMART Goals and create an Action Plan using the SMART Goals Action Plan Worksheet (1 goal per worksheet) and share your plans with your mentor. |
Submission Required | After 18 Days |