Professional Development Topics ➜ Resume Review

Title & Content Type Due Date
Pre-meeting Assignment
  • Upload your current resume
  • Identify 1-2 goals you aim to accomplish through this mentoring engagement.
Pre Meeting After -2 Days
Meeting One - Conversation Starters
  • What are the goals you aim to accomplish through this mentoring engagement?
  • How has your resume changed over the past 2 weeks, 2 months, and 2 years?
  • What is your favorite thing to talk about when someone reviews your resume?
  • Do you think your personality is shown via your resume?
  • Do you think you have enough diverse work experience showcased?
  • How is leadership exhibited on your resume?
  • What types of measurable results do you showcase on your resume?
  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how confident are you with your resume?

REMINDER: During this meeting, you must discuss a time to schedule Meeting 2, please refer to the Timeline below for the date for Meeting 2 and work with each other to schedule time for Meeting 2 on the date indicated in the Timeline item: Meeting Two – Conversation Starters.

Event After 0 Days

Upload a revised version of the resume based on discussion. Consider Indeed’s advice for documenting your employment history and listing your education, continuing education.

Submission Required After 11 Days
Meeting Two - Conversation Starters
  • What (if anything) did you change about your resume? Why did you make this change?
  • What section do you think needs the most work?
  • What professional development opportunities might help you better populate your resume?
  • Is your resume aligned with your LinkedIn profile?
  • How do companies use/review resumes when applying for jobs?
  • Suggestions on best time spent on resume improvements…
  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how confident are you with your resume now?

REMINDER: During this meeting, you must discuss a time to schedule Meeting 3, please refer to the Timeline below for the date for Meeting 3 and work with each other to schedule time for Meeting 3 on the date indicated in the Timeline item: Meeting Three – Conversation Starters.

Event After 13 Days
Final Deliverable

Upload a final version of your resume.

Submission Required After 18 Days
Meeting Three - Conversation Starters
  • What feedback can you the Mentor offer on the Final Deliverable?
  • What questions do you the Mentee have for the Mentor?
  • What are the next steps in continuing to develop the knowledge, skills, strategies, etc. you’ve been working on?
Event After 20 Days
Post-Engagement Survey

Mentors and Mentees please use the following link to complete the Post-Engagement Survey

Evaluation After 21 Days