Capstone – Project

Design On-Boarding Package for New Board Members

A Collaboration Between

Project Synopsis

The team will work with Youth INC Senior Leadership to develop and implement an onboarding packet for Youth INC’s board of Directors so that they may govern to the best of their abilities. The packet will also provide an in-depth view of our programming and fundraising efforts and provide essential information for Directors to serve as effective spokespeople and advocates of our important work. The students will work directly with Youth INC’s Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel to create and implement a Board of Directors Onboarding Manual, which will be instrumental to our 2019 (and beyond) recruitment efforts. The students will also have an opportunity to re-engage more tenured board members and bolster their ability to spread awareness of their mission. Students who enroll in this course will:
  • Attain a deep understanding of nonprofit governance as well as best practices to recruit, inform, and engage Board of Directors.
  • Engage with a wide-range of constituents and discuss their unique perspective on the nonprofit sector and the importance of supporting grassroots nonprofits focused on developing the social emotional intelligence of NYC youth. 
  • Understand how to develop an on-boarding process for new talent.
  • This opportunity is open to students that have an affinity for mission-driven outcomes and youth-focused missions. 
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Suite
  • Attention to detail in a fast-paced environment
  • Design skills preferred but not mandatory
PLEASE NOTE: Participants will be required to sign a non-disclosure project agreement regarding the handling of confidential information and intellectual property. Logistics: This “Interterm” Immersion will be based in New York, NY. Students will need to secure transportation and lodging on their own. Additional details on travel can be found under “Travel Reimbursement Details” at the front of this document.

Project Topics

Org Culture, D&I

PR & Communications

Talent Management

Company Information

CompanyYouth INC
HQNew York
StageMedium Business
Hiring PotentialFollow-on Projects, Formal Internship, Entry Level Full-Time, Upper Level Full-Time

Company Overview

The team will work with Youth INC Senior Leadership to develop and implement an onboarding packet for Youth INC’s board of Directors so that they may govern to the best of their abilities. The packet will also provide an in-depth view of our programming and fundraising efforts and provide essential information for Directors to serve as effective spokespeople and advocates of our important work. The students will work directly with Youth INC’s Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel to create and implement a Board of Directors Onboarding Manual, which will be instrumental to our 2019 (and beyond) recruitment efforts. The students will also have an opportunity to re-engage more tenured board members and bolster their ability to spread awareness of their mission.

Experiential Learning Program Details

SchoolUniversity of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business
Engagement FormatCapstone - Small Team Consulting Project - Students work in consulting teams of 3-5 directly with faculty and client liaisons on developing real solutions to real-world challenges.
Students EnrolledN/A
Meeting Day & TimeN/A
Student Time Commitment1-3 Hours Per Week
Company Time Commitment3-5 Hours
Duration0.43 Weeks

Program Timeline

Key Project Milestones

  • March 8, 2018 - Requirements & Guiding Questions

    1. What materials does a board member need when they’re new?
    2. Need to develop a standard management reporting package
    3. Analyze the existing materials and organize in a way that’s digestible
    4. Provide an overview of the tools used by Youth Inc
    5. Should ideally train new board members on the operations of the business
    6. Should be easy to update in the future
    7. Should be one cover-page overview of all materials included (and who you can go to for each of those areas)
    8. Should consider and possibly incorporate the role of technology in board on-boarding

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Provide a detailed report and recommendations based on the information above.

Project Resources

There are no resources currently available

Industry Mentors

There are currently no supervisors assigned.

Academic Mentors


Alice Obermiller


Assigned Students

There are currently no students assigned.