Live Case – Project

Develop Product Feature Recommendations Based on Competitive Analysis and Market Trends

A Collaboration Between

Project Synopsis

Next Gen HQ’s mission is to help the next generation succeed at business and life. We believe the key to success is leveraging the Entrepreneurial Mindset – the ability to Think Like An Entrepreneur – in all work and life tasks or challenges. Through our Momentum Membership’s new digital platform, we are providing informative, engaging, and expert- and mentor-driven content for self-serve learning or upskilling, and professional network expansion.

We have created hundreds of ad-hoc 1-4 minute video clips that feature our outstanding network of experienced mentors teaching about the Entrepreneurial Mindset, as well as publishing themed “Challenges,” ranging from 3 to 30 days, to accelerate members’ learning journies. We also provide other Resources including Opportunities, such as job postings, pitch competitions, and Perks (think discounts and freebies!), as well as access to a like-minded and diverse community to help this next generation thrive – all via the Momentum Membership!

Our Product Team is looking for help in determining the value proposition, market opportunity, and competitive advantage / differentiation of new features and offerings for our Momentum Membership. This will help us identify how the next generation wants to leverage the Momentum Membership, particularly our digital platform, so that we have insight into the types of Product features we can implement to help drive the user journey.

This project would be a success if we have specific features or recommended direction for the Next Gen HQ Product team to use to expand our community-based features, which are based on the competitive landscape, market trends, and user preferences.

Project Topics

Growth Strategy


Company Information

CompanyNext Gen HQ
HQNew York
StageEstablished Startup
Hiring PotentialFollow-on Projects, Formal Internship, Entry Level Full-Time, Upper Level Full-Time

Company Overview

Next Gen HQ is on a mission to help the Next Generation “win” at work and life. We have created a Leadership Development Platform called Momentum that includes the Community, Education, Resources, and Mentorship these young leaders need to achieve the success they desire. Membership is available to students and young professionals. Growing up, Dylan and Justin, our CEOs, felt a desire to live life on their own terms. Looking for direction, they started asking questions and seeking out peers equally excited about chasing their dreams. In 2014, they started Next Gen HQ to help those just like you and us - young people looking to design the lives they want to live. Nearly a decade later, we serve a community of over 600K students, young professionals, and founders. ‍ The journey wasn’t always pretty, but nothing worth doing comes easily. Pursuing your purpose is flat out hard. Though we - like you - believe the journey to be worth it.

Experiential Learning Program Details

SchoolFlorida Institute of Technology (Florida Tech)
Engagement FormatLive Case - Think "Hackathon" or Case Competition with a whole class of students! This learning format allows educators to deliver experiential learning to students at scale. Students are often split into groups to work on a live case (or a series of cases) from a real host company that directly relates to key learning objectives.
CourseFoundations in Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship II
Students Enrolled25-30
Meeting Day & TimeT - Th 11:00 - 12:15 (Face to Face - traditional class)
Student Time Commitment4-7 Hours Per Week
Company Time Commitment1 Hour
Duration4.43 Weeks

Program Timeline

Touchpoints & Assignments Due Date Type
Student Participation Finalized

Student Participation Finalized

Florida Tech to provide NextGen with final roster of students so they can provide free Momentum platform access
January 21st, 2022 Event na
Project Kickoff Evlauations

Project Kickoff Evlauations

Please complete this PROJECT KICKOFF EVALUATION before the project begins
January 31st, 2022 Evaluation evaluation
Project Kick Off (11:00 AM - 12:15 PM ET)

Project Kick Off (11:00 AM - 12:15 PM ET)

Webinar with Company: Introductions, Problem Statements, Business Challenges
February 1st, 2022 Event na
Upload Milestone #1 Deliverable Upload Milestone #1 Deliverable
February 12th, 2022 Submission Required submission-required
Submit At Least Three Questions for Q&A Webinar

Submit At Least Three Questions for Q&A Webinar

February 12th, 2022 Evaluation evaluation
Mid Point Check-in Webinar (11:00 AM - 12:15 PM ET)

Mid Point Check-in Webinar (11:00 AM - 12:15 PM ET)

Live Webinar with Company for Q & A
February 15th, 2022 Event na
How\'s it going?

How\'s it going?

Please complete this TEMPERATURE CHECK SURVEY and let us know how the project is going so far!
February 16th, 2022 Evaluation evaluation
Link to UPLOAD Written Executive Summary Link to UPLOAD Written Executive Summary
February 25th, 2022 Submission Required submission-required
Link to UPLOAD 3 Minute Video Pitch Presentation Link to UPLOAD 3 Minute Video Pitch Presentation
February 25th, 2022 Submission Required submission-required
Top Student Teams Invited to Present to NextGen Leadership (Live: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET) Top Student Teams Invited to Present to NextGen Leadership (Live: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET)
7-Minute Presentation + 3 Minutes of Q&A Please upload your final presentation document.
March 3rd, 2022 Submission Required submission-required
Complete End of Project PEER Evaluation

Complete End of Project PEER Evaluation

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March 4th, 2022 Evaluation evaluation
Complete End of Project SELF Evaluation

Complete End of Project SELF Evaluation

Please complete this SELF EVALUATION
March 4th, 2022 Evaluation evaluation

Key Project Milestones

  • February 12, 2022 - Conduct a Competitive Analysis

    Concepts to consider as part of your competitive analysis:

    • Who are Next Gen’s key competitors? Why?
    • What do Next Gen’s key competitors do well in terms of building/managing a community and how do those community concepts lead to product virality?
      • In other words, how do Next Gen HQ’s competitors manage to have a viral product through member-generated referrals in their community features?
    • What are some of the key characteristics of these technology products that made these communities easy to create, scale, and encourage member referrals?
      • Referral systems can be very powerful for free tools, e.g. Morning Brew’s Email referral program, what other referral systems can you identify and analyze?
    • How do competitors encourage member-to-member interaction?
    • Are there active facilitators or account managers that get involved in the community experience? How does that help facilitate a member’s experience?
    • How do community concepts foster member-to-member interactions and member referrals? 
    • To start you off, here are some examples of competitors:
      • Education: Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, Coursera
      • Networking & Community: Y Combinator Startup School, Tik Tok, Instagram
      • Concept: Peloton, Headspace, Copilot, Future
      • On-Boarding & Gamification: Duolingo
      • Note: You’re highly encouraged to research and highlight others!


    Suggested Deliverable:

    Develop a 1-2 page overview of your Competitive Analysis including key characteristics that would be valuable for Next Gen to replicate within their product for their audience. Make sure to identify features and concepts that would not work for Next Gen’s product as well.

    Specifically, compare/contrast the following features across competitors:

    • Member-to-member interaction
    • Facilitator involvement in community experience
    • Product virality strategies
    • Referral process within the application
    • Gamification/Rewards
  • February 24, 2022 - Develop a Comprehensive Product Strategy for Building Community and Creating Virality on Next Gen's Momentum Platform

    Based on your competitive analysis completed as part of Milestone 1, what community and virality strategies do you recommend Next Gen begins implementing in the Product?

    • How would you recommend members interact with each other on the platform?
      • How might this be similar / different to other competitive platforms?
    • Does the Momentum Platform need a concierge, guide, or coach to help users navigate and engage with the platform? 
      • How can Next Gen guide the members, if you deem necessary?
    • How do you propose Next Gen should monetize the Momentum Membership?
      • Do you think access to the Momentum Platform is something aspiring entrepreneurs and next gen professionals would pay for? 
      • Do you think access should be free and alternative methods to monetization should be pursued instead?
    • How would you recommend building virality into the product?
      • How would you encourage/reward member-generated referrals?

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Develop an Executive Memo and 3-Minute Video Pitch on how you would approach community building on the Momentum Platform. Be sure to highlight the value prop, target market, and competitive advantage/differentiation of Next Gen’s Momentum Platform.

Project Resources

Industry Mentors

Company Admin

Alexa Gambardella

[email protected]

Company Admin

Mariel Schneider 

[email protected]

Academic Mentors


Tim Muth

[email protected]


Robert Keimer

[email protected]


Jeff Cerny

[email protected]


Trudie Infantini

[email protected]

Assigned Students


Koral Bischer 

[email protected]


Isabella Pommer 

[email protected]


Alyson Shelton 

[email protected]


Cailey Canessa 

[email protected]


Aran Heath 

[email protected]


Jake Rider 

[email protected]


Aidan Moga 

[email protected]


Alexandria Easterling 

[email protected]


Nour Ettaieb

[email protected]


Sofia Locke 

[email protected]


Zackary sherman 

[email protected]


Nathan James DePlancke 

[email protected]


Jacob Ehrmann 

[email protected]


Melissa Rodriguez 

[email protected]


Derek Sanderson 

[email protected]


Tom Romano

[email protected]


Marco Schanz 

[email protected]


Seth Kibler 

[email protected]


Darragh O Sullivan 

[email protected]


Sam Grant 

[email protected]


Can Turgut 

[email protected]


Mikkel Kvinnesland 

[email protected]


Antonio Touzard

[email protected]


Mohammed Al Ajmi 

[email protected]


Melinda Artelli 

[email protected]


Paul Houser 

[email protected]


Nina Dakin 

[email protected]


Alawi Alghazali 

[email protected]


Mackenzie Smith 

[email protected]



[email protected]


Stefanie Garcia-Feliz 

[email protected]


Kade Arnold 

[email protected]


Sara Lail 

[email protected]


Melissa Marroquin 

[email protected]


Adrian Haley 

[email protected]


Elizabeth Love 

[email protected]


Levi Edkins 

[email protected]


Quinn Sellers 

[email protected]


Aiden Beechy 

[email protected]


Luis Carlos Peres Gomes 

[email protected]


Jacob Crockett 

[email protected]


Brianna Boon 

[email protected]


April Sulliins 

[email protected]


Gabriel Garrett 

[email protected]


Alyx Mason 

[email protected]


Arnedas Kelmelis 

[email protected]


Blake Chmura 

[email protected]


Siddhant Kapoor 

[email protected]


Eric Kafarski

[email protected]



[email protected]


Nada H Abualhamayl 

[email protected]


Matthew Dailey

[email protected]


tyler arscott 

[email protected]


William Ward 

[email protected]



[email protected]