Capstone – Project

Knock Knock Give a Sock Fall 2018

A Collaboration Between

Project Synopsis


Project Topics

Customer Service

Company Information

CompanyKnock Knock Give a Sock
HQNew York
StageEstablished Startup
Hiring PotentialFollow-on Projects, Formal Internship

Company Overview

Mission KKGS is a non-profit organization dedicated to humanizing homelessness by bringing neighbors together and the distributing donated goods which allows communities to meet and share with one another. Vision KKGS envisions a world where individuals of all socio-economic backgrounds share, listen, and ultimately know their neighbors leading to stronger communities. Description KKGS brings communities together in order to help those experiencing homelessness. Our motto is help your neighbor, meet your neighbor, know your neighbor. In addition to providing needed resources by collecting socks, we raise awareness about who the homeless are and give both tangible and emotional support to those experiencing homelessness. We host sock drives nationwide in schools, camps, communities, and companies. What separates us from drop box models like the Salvation Army and Goodwill is the way we foster communal engagement through Meet Your Neighbors Dinners, which move beyond simply collecting socks and actually further the aim of breaking stigmas while breaking bread. In addition to providing socks and meals that provide warmth and dissipate the stigma around homelessness, KKGS is passionate about engaging millennial young professionals in the cause. Since KKGS’s inception in 2015, we have engaged more than 1,000 young professionals around issues of homelessness – the stigmatization and the ability to build a brighter future.

Experiential Learning Program Details

SchoolRamapo College of New Jersey
Engagement Format -
Students EnrolledN/A
Meeting Day & TimeN/A
Student Time Commitment4-7 Hours Per Week
Company Time Commitment2 Hours
Duration16.57 Weeks

Program Timeline

Touchpoints & Assignments Due Date Type

Key Project Milestones

Project Resources

There are no resources currently available

Industry Mentors

There are currently no supervisors assigned.

Academic Mentors

There are currently no supervisors assigned.

Assigned Students

There are currently no students assigned.