Capstone – Project

Multi-media, Virtual Reality Programming for Older Adults

A Collaboration Between

Project Synopsis

Alchemy Sky Foundation is a nonprofit in Atlanta whose mission is to bring the healing power of music to those who need it. ( Three years ago, we worked with a VR company here in Atlanta (Futurus) and a local church to bring 360-degree video to nursing-home Veterans.  We are looking to conduct market research to analyze the potential for an expanded music-based, Virtual Reality and/or multimedia VR programming, education and other activities for nursing homes and active-living communities nationwide. Check out this short video of our first project! 


  • Students will office out of our partner’s office, Futurus, located at 500 Bishop St NW Suite A4, Atlanta, GA 30318.  From Futurus’ “About” page ( work with the latest in tech to bring one of a kind experiences to our clients. Immersive and interactive engagement brings new life to any product or service presentation and we get you there. From virtual reality development to augmented reality mobile apps, micro-location enabled services and emerging technology consulting, we have the tools and experience to make your project stand out.



  • Our objective is to conduct a product/service market study to answer the following questions:
    • How well could we expect Older Adults to embrace VR technology for multi-media experiences to improve quality of life?
    • Is there a profile of Older Adults that is more likely to embrace the technology vs. other parts of the demographic?
    • Content – What VR multimedia content is most attractive for this demographic?
    • Facilitation – This technology requires an interactive client.  What is the threshold of interaction and do we need to consider a hired facilitator in order for the technology to be embraced?  Would this be cost-effective?
    • Estimated costs: creating/curating content, facilitating content, hardware/equipment
    • Estimated revenue projections and models: SAS, per session, etc.
    • Who is invoiced?  (nursing home, 55+ community, individual, etc.)
  • Note: We will be visiting a nursing home to conduct in-field research and interviews.

Project Topics

Product Design & Development

Company Information

CompanyAlchemy Sky Foundation
StageEstablished Startup
Hiring PotentialN/A

Company Overview

ASF brings the healing power of music to those who need it. Our partners include the VA and Covenant House. We work with our partners to create needs-based, results-driven programs for their clients. ASF leverages a multitude of music and health professionals to create these therapeutic results using music.

Experiential Learning Program Details

SchoolUniversity of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business
Engagement FormatCapstone - Small Team Consulting Project - Students work in consulting teams of 3-5 directly with faculty and client liaisons on developing real solutions to real-world challenges.
Students EnrolledN/A
Meeting Day & TimeN/A
Student Time Commitment1-3 Hours Per Week
Company Time Commitment3-5 Hours
Duration0.43 Weeks

Program Timeline

Touchpoints & Assignments Due Date Type

Key Project Milestones

  • March 2, 2020 - Market Summary For Older Adults

    We need to understand the potential market and hone in from that number.  This would include a demographic, high-level summary of Older Adults (55+), where they live, purchasing power, etc.

    Suggested Deliverable:

    A short powerpoint presentation (five to seven slides)

  • March 3, 2020 - Survey

    We plan to spend at least a half of a day at a nursing home in the Greater Atlanta area.  We will have VR equipment and content for the residents to try.  We need to develop a short survey for the residents and staff to gauge interest.

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Ten-question survey that can be administered in the field.

  • March 4, 2020 - Benchmark Analysis

    We need to conduct research to ascertain if any similar projects have been attempted by other companies (for-profit or nonprofit).  If so, how have they fared?  What exactly is the product or service that they provide and how do they provide it?  What is their content/application strategy?  (Do they create content or procure it?).  Can we ascertain any pricing?  Is there a opportunity to license/partner with them?  Note: Futurus will also be able to provide guidance for this milestone.

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Eight to ten page write-up

  • March 5, 2020 - Final Write-Up

    At the end of the project, we would like to have a summary that can be distributed to ASF and Futurus. We also would like to permission to have some of the final write-up on Futurus’ blog and ASF’s website.

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Folding in the five to seven powerpoint slides from the market summary milestone, another eight to ten slides summarizing our findings from the field

Project Resources

There are no resources currently available

Industry Mentors

Company Admin

Jaye Budd

[email protected]

Academic Mentors


Alice Obermiller

[email protected]



[email protected]

Assigned Students

There are currently no students assigned.