Capstone – Project

NICARAGUA: Go-To-Market Strategy for Hoy Health Prescription Remittances Service

A Collaboration Between

Project Synopsis

Hoy Health supports US Citizens attempting to provide family members back at home in Latin America with financial help for prescriptions through vouchers and direct purchases. Hoy Health is interested in expanding their business into new countries and needs help analyzing the regulatory and healthcare landscape as well as channels and competitors. Ultimately, they want your help crafting a formal go-to-market strategy, including a go or no-go suggestion for the country that you are assigned.

Project Topics

Growth Strategy


Sales & Business Development

Company Information

CompanyHoy Health LLC.
StagePre-Revenue Startup
Hiring PotentialFollow-on Projects, Formal Internship, Entry Level Full-Time

Company Overview

At Hoy Health we are focused on the health and wellness needs of our consumers. Whether you are Hispanic, African American or Caucasian we understand that your health needs are unique and we are developing tools to help you with your everyday health and wellness needs. We understand that care that is out of reach due to language difficulty, cultural misunderstandings, economic hardship or inability to connect with the right professional at the right time is not only a detriment to you as a patient but to the USA healthcare system as a whole.

Experiential Learning Program Details

SchoolAllegheny College
Engagement Format -
CourseManagerial Economics (Spring 2021)
  • All Undergraduate
Students Enrolled25
Meeting Day & TimeTuesdays & Thursdays 10:20 AM - 12:00 PM ET
Student Time Commitment4-7 Hours Per Week
Company Time Commitment2 Hours
Duration7.29 Weeks

Program Timeline

Key Project Milestones

  • March 25, 2021 - Get Up-To-Speed on Hoy Health & Remittances

    • Review Hoy Health Products & Services
    • Review attached documents about Hoy Health business model
    • What are remittances? How are they used? How are they relevant to Hoy Health’s business model?

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Submit questions for Q&A with Jose Sorto, the Project Manager from Hoy Health:

  • April 15, 2021 - Nicaragua Assessment

    • What is the state of healthcare in Nicaragua?
    • How many US Citizens have family in Nicaragua?
    • Can you estimate how many of those people send money back to their home country to support their loved ones?
    • How much of that money goes towards prescriptions?
    • What regulations exist around international business, finance, and healthcare in Nicaragua?
    • How does prescriptions work in Nicaragua?
    • What major pharmaceutical companies operate in Nicaragua?
    • What technology is available to every day citizens in this country? Is this sufficient for the Hoy Health technology?
    • How has COVID affected Nicaragua?
    • Does Nicaragua have national or regional Electronic Health Record and Telehealth capability
    • Describe payor system for health insurance coverage (private, government, and self-pay etc) and major players for potential partnerships

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Prepare a presentation based on analysis of the state of the healthcare system and prescription funding for Nicaragua

  • April 29, 2021 - Go-To-Market Strategy for Hoy Health in Nicaragua

    • Should Hoy Health prioritize entering Nicaragua? Why or why not?
    • If you decide they should move forward…
      • What regulations would they need to keep in mind?
      • How would the remittances service launch in Nicaragua for prescriptions?
      • What kind of competition would Hoy Health face in Nicaragua?
      • What channels would be important to explore?
      • How would you negotiate with existing players?
      • How would you measure success?
    • If they decide not to move forward…
      • What are the barriers to entering Nicaragua?
      • Why are you advising Hoy Health to avoid when attempting to enter this country?
      • What regulatory or financial issues are insurmountable? Why?

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Present your go/no-go go-to-market strategy for Hoy Health to enter Nicaragua

Project Resources

There are no resources currently available

Industry Mentors

Company Admin

Jose Sorto

Academic Mentors


Priyanka Chakraborty

Assigned Students


Owen Harkins


Sarah Pillittieri


Katherine Marks


Ian dudley 
