Capstone – Project

Partnering with employers to provide homeownership opportunities to their employees

A Collaboration Between

Project Synopsis

We want to work with a team of MBAs to explore partnering with employers to reach potential Hurry Home clients. We believe this can be an opportunity for employers to further support their employees’ financial health and stability while improving their retention, saving them from the costs of higher employee turnover. Hurry Home will benefit from this type of relationship by reaching new target demographics with stable incomes at a low acquisition cost. Our goal for collaborating with the Interterm team would be to create a playbook for how to pitch and work with these potential partners. This would include analyzing who’s the right person to approach at a company, what sort of messaging is likely to appeal to them, what sort of materials should we prepare, etc.


  • We have offices in Vested Interest, a mixed use space converted from a dry cleaning warehouse.  The building is located at 251 E Sample St, South Bend, IN 46601


  • There are no required prerequisites, but experience in marketing or strategic partnerships could be beneficial


  • Students will learn about a large segment of the US housing market that is typically overlooked
  • Students will get experience with strategic partnerships, including conducting user research on partners, stakeholder mapping within established firms, tailoring a pitch for them, etc.
  • Students will have the opportunity to build a B2B2C marketing strategy to reach a low income demographic (64% AMI on average) generally considered hard to reach

Project Topics

Growth Strategy


Company Information

CompanyHurry Home
StagePre-Revenue Startup
Hiring PotentialFollow-on Projects, Formal Internship, Entry Level Full-Time, Upper Level Full-Time

Company Overview

Hurry Home offers a new path for renter families to own the homes banks cannot make mortgages for, while providing property investors an effortless investment vehicle with boosted returns. Homeownership is still the primary way that American families build wealth, yet many people are unable to pursue it. With Hurry Home, buyers build protected ownership, and seller/landlords earn higher returns than conventional rentals with no maintenance/repair effort.

Experiential Learning Program Details

SchoolUniversity of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business
Engagement FormatCapstone - Small Team Consulting Project - Students work in consulting teams of 3-5 directly with faculty and client liaisons on developing real solutions to real-world challenges.
Students EnrolledN/A
Meeting Day & TimeN/A
Student Time Commitment1-3 Hours Per Week
Company Time Commitment3-5 Hours
Duration0.43 Weeks

Program Timeline

Touchpoints & Assignments Due Date Type

Key Project Milestones

  • March 2, 2020 - Understanding Employers’ Relevant Values

    1. Do employers think about their employees’ housing?
      1. Do they see any value in addressing this topic?
        1. Do they think it connects to employee loyalty and/or retention?
      2. Are they interested in affecting non-work related aspects of their employees’ financial health?
    2. How do employees respond to non-work related information coming from their employers?
      1. Would they trust recommendations from their employers?

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Interviews from 2-3 employers and employees, potentially snowballing to others; initial thoughts on marketing strategy to review with other interviewees

  • March 3, 2020 - Creating Targeting Strategy

    1. Which employers are the right ones for us to target?
      1. In terms of size, industry, etc.?
      2. What staff position is typically the right person to target at a given employer?
    2. What messaging would prospective employees prefer?
      1. What format (e.g. leaflets, email, etc), what timing, what sort of message?

    Suggested Deliverable:

    1-2 additional interviews with employers and employees, taking their feedback on any learning from previous interviews; initial concepts for messaging content

  • March 4, 2020 - Outlining Marketing Strategy

    1. What’s the best way to pitch employers?
      1. What arguments have the most resonance for them?
      2. What sort of process is there that they need to go through before launching something like this?
    2. What’s the best method to pitch employees?
      1. What sort of information is compelling for employees about this type of opportunity
      2. Does how receptive they are to information from their employers depend on the messenger, the format, etc?

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Broad outline for B2B2C marketing plan with rough strategy for targeting

  • March 5, 2020 - Iterating and Completing Marketing Plan

    1. How should we pitch employers?
      1. What messaging is most appealing to them?
      2. What sort of materials should we have on hand to leave with them?
      3. How do they prefer we initialize contact with them?
        1. What sort of follow-up campaign would work best?
      4. How do we build trust with them?
    2. How do employees want to learn about this opportunity from their employers?
      1. What messaging is most appealing to them?
      2. What form of contact should we use with employers to reach employees?
        1. What sort of frequency of contact would they prefer?
      3. What sort of collateral do we need for employers to share with their employees?

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Finished marketing plan including targeting plan and messaging recommendations

Project Resources

There are no resources currently available

Industry Mentors

Company Admin


[email protected]

Academic Mentors


Alice Obermiller

[email protected]



[email protected]

Assigned Students

There are currently no students assigned.