Course Title
Collaboration Overview
Come join our capstone at GA
Engagement Format: Capstone
Small Team Consulting Project - Students work in consulting teams of 3-5 directly with faculty and client liaisons on developing real solutions to real-world challenges.
Timeline & Next Steps
June 15, 2022
Collaboration request published. Industry Partners may express interest in participating.
June 15, 2022
Educators will begin interviewing interested Industry Partners to discuss project ideas.
June 15, 2022
Final date for Industry Partners to express interest in participating.
June 15, 2022
Educators and Industry Partners finalize project charters, legal documents, and background materials.
January 1, 2023
OFFICIAL PROJECT LAUNCH: We’ll find a time on this day to web conference you into our class to kickoff the project.
May 12, 2023
OFFICIAL PROJECT END: We’ll find a time on this day to web conference you into our class to close the project.
Project Inspiration
Project templates by topic that might inspire you…

Achieving Work Life Balance
Develop perspectives on and strategies for living a balanced life.
Achieving Work Life Balance
Pre-Meeting Assignment
Read the Mindful Habits article Feeling Overwhelmed? Use The 6 Areas of Focus To Get Back On Track For each of the 6 areas, jot down your responses to the following questions. Remember, there are no wrong answers, including “I don’t know”.- Why is this area important to me?
- What do I want to accomplish in this area?
- Brainstorm: what one action can I take that will improve my situation in this area?
Meeting One - Conversation Starters
- What does “living a balanced life mean to you? What does an ideal work life balance look and feel like for you? Has that changed over time?
- What would be some indicators that there is a lack of balance? How would that look and feel?
- How have changes to the way we work brought new opportunities and challenges to balancing the various domains and roles of our lives?
- What activities do you like doing, and give you a sense of peace, fulfillment, joy, and other “feel-good” feelings? Which ones are important for you to maintain in your life at this point?
Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
- Option 1: Using the “wheel of life” model introduced in the article by Mindful Habits, map out the areas of your life following the steps outlined in the Mindful Habits article The Wheel of Life: A Work/Life Balance Self-Assessment Tool
- Option 2: Learn about mind-mapping as a technique for organizing aspects of your life. Search Google Images to find examples of how others have used mind mapping to visualize and analyze work life balance. Use your creative and analytical skills to begin drafting your personal work life balance mind map.
Meeting Two - Conversation Starters
- What techniques or tools do you find helpful for prioritizing responsibilities and tasks? For managing your time?
- What are some key ways that the people, organizations, and communities in your life help you to achieve balance?
- How do you boost your resilience at work? What self-awareness habits do you employ?
- What boundaries or limits do you set to help you maintain balance? Have you ever declined a task or project in order to leave time for other activities or relationships?
- How do you transition from work to home? Are there certain routines or family or friendship rituals that you’ve adopted that work for you, for instance?
- Are there any daily routines you try to keep that promote self-care?
Final Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Showcase your understanding about your work life balance by adding insights, relationships, and details to your work/life balance Wheel of Life or mind-map! Be sure to include actions you can take to improve your situation! Once finalized, upload in PDF or JPEG to share with your mentor.Meeting Three - Conversation Starters
- What feedback can you the Mentor offer on the Final Deliverable?
- What questions do you the Mentee have for the Mentor?
- What are the next steps in continuing to develop the knowledge, skills, strategies, etc. you’ve been working on?
Helpful Resources
- Mindful Habits article The Wheel of Life: A Work/Life Balance Self-Assessment Tool:
- Mindful Habits article Feeling Overwhelmed? Use The 6 Areas of Focus To Get Back On Track:
- Lifehack How to Use a Mind Map to Organize Your Life:
- A sample mind map for showing the related work in general projects:

Cover Letter Review
Get guidance and targeted feedback on writing cover letters for positions you are applying for based on industry standards.
Cover Letter Review
Pre-Meeting Assignment
- Upload your current resume and (if available) draft cover letter
- Be prepared to discuss with your mentor: Who is the target audience of your cover letter? What industry/industries are in your focus? What occupations/positions/job roles are you planning to apply for?
- Identify 1-2 goals you aim to accomplish through this mentoring engagement.
Meeting One - Conversation Starters
- What are your goals for reviewing your cover letter?
- Are you currently entering the job search or are there other opportunities you are seeking?
- What should the cover letter include? What are recruiters in the industry looking for in a cover letter?
- Should the cover letter address any “red flags” evident in the resume? If so, how?
- How can the cover letter highlight aspects about your skills, qualities and experience that are not already featured in your resume?
- What about a cover letter makes a candidate stand out and move to the next stage of the hiring process? What factors or qualities about cover letters make moving on less likely?
Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Submit a brief including: (1) links to 2-3 job listings or other opportunities that reflect your interests and goals; and (2) A first draft cover letter to 1 of the prospective employers from the job listings you’ve gathered.Meeting Two - Conversation Starters
- What is the overall impression conveyed in the draft cover letter? What qualifications, experiences, and qualities are evident and highlighted?
- To what extent do these align with the opportunities you are seeking?
- Are there any flaws or inaccuracies that should be corrected?
- What are some suggestions for refining/elevating the quality of your cover letter?
- How would this letter look similar or different when targeting another job listing?
Final Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Final draft cover letters for two job listings. Be sure to include the link to the job listings if different from your first deliverable.Meeting Three - Conversation Starters
- What feedback can you the Mentor offer on the Final Deliverable?
- What questions do you the Mentee have for the Mentor?
- What are the next steps in continuing to develop the knowledge, skills, strategies, etc. you’ve been working on?
Helpful Resources
- Check out the resources on cover letter writing available SUNY Potsdam Career Center
- Harvard Business Review offers resources and guidance for Business Writing; if you are unable to access full articles online, check your college library online databases or talk with a librarian.
- Indeed offers examples and advice in How To Write An Entry Level Cover Letter
- Search Indeed's Library of Resumes and Cover Letters
- Get expert advice and excellent resources for writing effective cover letters at CareerOneStop

Crushing Job Interviews
Learn and practice strategies for successful job interviews.
Crushing Job Interviews
Pre-Meeting Assignment
Select 2 job postings or job descriptions of interest to you that include a detailed description of the roles and required skills for the position.- What more can you learn about the position and the company from the company’s website and other online sources?
- What are some ways that your values, skills and interests match up?
- What sorts of challenges might arise? What obstacles may you have to navigate in the position?
- Identify 1-2 goals you aim to accomplish through this mentoring engagement.
Meeting One - Conversation Starters
- What are some ways that your values, skills and interests match up with the job descriptions you’ve gathered?
- What are some good strategies for responding to the question, “tell me about yourself” during an interview?
- What’s the most surprising, difficult, or challenging situation you’ve experienced during a job interview? How did you handle it?
- What are your top 5 Do’s and Don’ts for job interviewing?
- How do you handle nervousness when interviewing for a job?
Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Browse/review interviewing resources/guidance provided through your college’s Career Center. Read the Indeed article on How to Use the STAR Interview Response Technique.- Review the list of behavioral questions provided. While the phrasing of these questions may vary from interview to interview, the general intent of the question typically remains the same so it can be helpful to prepare your answers with that in mind.
- Write down the various situations you’ve handled in your professional history that would display the sorts of strengths you’ll need to succeed in the role and that address some of the most common behavioral interview questions. Prepare each example using the STAR framework.
- Practice talking through your answers out loud to make sure each story is as concise and coherent as possible. This will also help you feel more confident and natural when delivering the answers in an interview.
- Be prepared to talk through these situations with your mentor at your next meeting.
Meeting Two - Conversation Starters
Suggested mock interview questions:- Describe a time when you were under a lot of pressure at work or school. How did you react?
- Talk about a time when you set and achieved a specific highly challenging goal.
- Can you describe a time you worked with a team to complete a project?
- Share an example of a time you had to make a difficult decision. What did you do?
- What are some suggestions for improving my executive presence?
- How could I have communicated my idea more clearly?
- Does my communication style support the message I intended to deliver?
Final Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Write a thank you email letter to your mentor that details your thoughts on the following:- What you value/appreciate about and learned from the mentoring experience.
- Your next steps for preparing for job interviews.
- Two strategies you plan to adopt to hone your interviewing skills.
Meeting Three - Conversation Starters
- What feedback can you the Mentor offer on the Final Deliverable?
- What questions do you the Mentee have for the Mentor?
- What are the next steps in continuing to develop the knowledge, skills, strategies, etc. you’ve been working on?
Helpful Resources
- Check out the resources on interviewing available SUNY Potsdam Career Center
- Indeed: How to Prepare for an Interview
- Indeed article on How to Use the STAR Interview Response Technique
- Top Resume What is Your Body Language Saying About You
- Indeed Thank you Letter to Mentor

Data Management
Data Scrubbing & Reorganization
Data Synthesis & Visualization
KPI Design Visualization
Data Management
We've included some sample project ideas below. We encourage users to mix-and-match components from various departments for the best cross functional project experience. In all cases, we customize the projects based on company goals and student learning objectives.
Company Data Collection Inventory and Mapping
- What is the product and business model?
- How is the business organized from an organizational perspective?
- What main systems does the company use to organize and execute?
- What data is produced by the system as a result?
- What strategic goals does the data help address?
- What would flow chart of all the systems look like? What are the key data inputs and outputs within each system? How do they all connect to one another?
Create New Metrics (and KPIs) Using Company Data
- How can data from multiple sources be analyzed, organized, or visualized to provide more insight to internal and/or external users?
- Are there other potential use cases for the company’s data?
- What other data points would be useful to capture in order improve the quality and/or relevance of insights?
- What metrics would be best to use in order to showcase potential benefits and use cases?
Build a Sample Dashboard
- What company data is available? How reliable is that data?
- How can data from multiple sources be analyzed, organized, or visualized to provide more insight to internal and/or external users?
- Can you organize these key pieces of data into a preliminary dashboard?
- What procedure is required to keep the dashboard up-to-date? Are there any tools that could help with this process?

Exploring Majors & Careers
Gain knowledge on majors and careers that align with your passions, strengths, and values and make a plan for gaining hands-on experience in a field of interest.
Exploring Majors & Careers
Pre-Meeting Assignment
Visit and browse your college’s Career Center website and/or in-person to learn how they help students (just like you!) explore majors and careers.- What kind of information and resources are available through your college’s Career Center to learn more about majors and careers?
- Who on your campus can answer your questions about careers and how they relate to academic majors? Internships?
- Where’s a great place to start exploring majors and careers?
Meeting One - Conversation Starters
- What are you passionate about? What makes you enthusiastic?
- Thinking about your student or professional roles, what skills and activities do you enjoy the most, and why?
- What factors are important to you when considering a career path at this point in your life? Has that changed over time?
- Brainstorm: What kind of information would be helpful to better understand this major/career and if it’s a path you want to pursue?
Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Narrow your focus to one or two majors/careers.- Browse, search, and review online resources to gather facts and information about a major, field, and/or occupation of your interest. Resources are provided. What kind of information is available? Which information is relevant and important for you to know?
- Create a “Profile” of the major, field, and/or occupation in written format, highlighting the type of information you have gathered your key findings from the exercise. Use the Career Profiling Worksheet and any formats (diagram or chart, list, narrative, etc.) you find helpful to communicate the information.
Meeting Two - Conversation Starters
- Reflecting on the profile, how does this information relate to your own interests, passions, values?
- What questions remain about this or other majors or careers?
- What kinds of hands-on, real-world experience would you like to gain more insight into the career or field?
- Are there opportunities for levering or building social connections to learn more?
Final Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Write a thank you email letter to your mentor that details your thoughts on the following:- What you value/appreciate about and learned from the mentoring experience.
- Your ideas for next steps to learn more, including through real-world experience.
Meeting Three - Conversation Starters
- What feedback can you the Mentor offer on the Final Deliverable?
- What questions do you the Mentee have for the Mentor?
- What are the next steps in continuing to develop the knowledge, skills, strategies, etc. you’ve been working on?
Helpful Resources
- US News & World Report 10 Things to Know About Selecting a College Major
- Princeton Review Guide to Choosing College Majors
- The College Post, How to Choose Your College Major: A Complete Guide
- OneStop Explore Careers
- OneStop Occupation Profile
- SUNY Potsdam Career Information and Resources
- Browse O*Net Career Clusters
- Check out these resources available SUNY Potsdam Career Center:
- Interest Assessment
- Work Values Matcher
- Indeed Thank you Letter to Mentor

Goal Setting
Hone your goal setting skills and create a roadmap to achieving your goals!
Goal Setting
Pre-Meeting Assignment
The difference between a goal and a dream is the written word. -Gene Donohue Think about where you see yourself in 1-5 years. Record your responses and be ready to share and discuss these with your mentor.- What does success look like for you? What kind of work are you doing? What is the career you have?
- What about areas other than career, such as health, family, education, spirituality, and social life?
- What kind of resources and information would be helpful to you in formulating your long-term goals?
Meeting One - Conversation Starters
- Where would you like to be in one year? In five years?
- What would be the perfect role for you? Imagine you are in that role. It’s 3 pm on a Thursday. What are you doing? Why would you like it so much?
- Why are these goals important to you? How do they align with your values, interests, and passions?
- Has your definition of success changed over the years?
- What framework or tools do you use for long-range visioning and planning around your personal and professional goals?
Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Review the Indeed article SMART Goals: Definitions and Examples to learn more about the SMART goals framework and its use for formulating and setting goals. Use the SMART framework to formulate, define, and prepare a written draft of 1 professional goal and 1 personal goal (outside of profession/career). Recognize this is a first draft, and make note of any criteria that need clarification or further development in the following meeting. Make sure you address the following questions for each goal:- Specific: What exactly do you want to accomplish? What outcome(s) or change are you wanting to make happen?
- Measurable: How can you track your progress? What kind of inputs and/or outputs will you use to measure progress?
- Achievable: Can you achieve the desired outcome with your current resources (time, skills, etc.)? If not, what resources are needed?
- Relevant: How does this goal align with your values and ambitions? Why is this goal important to you?
- Time-bound: By what point in time will you accomplish this goal? Can you identify a specific date or month, for instance?
Meeting Two - Conversation Starters
- How was your experience with the goal-setting exercise using the SMART framework? Are there criteria you would like to further develop or refine?
- What strengths and experiences will help you achieve your goals? What are some potential sources of support?
- What are some potential obstacles?
- What are the action steps you need to take this year to make progress and focus your efforts? What about in the next 2-5 years?
- How will you monitor and assess your progress to stay on track or make adjustments if needed?
Final Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Document your SMART Goals and create an Action Plan using the SMART Goals Action Plan Worksheet (1 goal per worksheet) and share your plans with your mentor.Meeting Three - Conversation Starters
- What feedback can you the Mentor offer on the Final Deliverable?
- What questions do you the Mentee have for the Mentor?
- What are the next steps in continuing to develop the knowledge, skills, strategies, etc. you’ve been working on?
Helpful Resources
- SMART Goals: Definitions and Examples
- Setting Goals to Improve Your Career
- Mindtools offers a range of resources and guidance on goal setting. Free access up to 3 articles:

Industry Insights
Develop your skills and increase your knowledge about an industry of your interest.
Industry Insights
Pre-Meeting Assignment
Using the Industry Profiling Worksheet, complete Part 1: The Basics by conducting preliminary research and jotting down your notes on an industry of interest to you. Identify 1-2 goals you aim to accomplish through this mentoring engagement.Meeting One - Conversation Starters
- What do you think are the biggest challenges facing this industry today?
- What are your insights on globalization and the future of this industry?
- Are there certain career paths in this industry you anticipate growing, opening up, or shrinking in the near future?
- Who are the influencers - experts, industry leaders, and companies - that you follow?
- Which digital resources, such as online magazines, listservs, blogs, are on your reading list? How do you use these resources to keep up with developments in the industry?
Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Revisit the Industry Profiling Worksheet to complete Part 2: Digging Deeper.Meeting Two - Conversation Starters
- What decision netted you the most success in your career?
- What’s the most unexpected obstacle you’ve had to face?
- What habits have you developed that help you be successful in this industry?
- What advice would you give someone entering this industry in the next ____ years? What advice would you give for becoming a leader in this industry?
Final Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Write a thank you email letter to your mentor that details your thoughts on the following:- What you value/appreciate about and learned from the mentoring experience.
- How what you have learned is useful for making decisions about your career path.
- Your next steps (e.g. concrete action steps you plan to take to learn more about the industry or related careers, build needed skills, etc.).
Meeting Three - Conversation Starters
- What feedback can you the Mentor offer on the Final Deliverable?
- What questions do you the Mentee have for the Mentor?
- What are the next steps in continuing to develop the knowledge, skills, strategies, etc. you’ve been working on?
Helpful Resources
- Gather information on industry trends from Career One Stop
- offers insights on a range of industries
- Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook
- Bloomberg Business Week Markets
- Check out the resources available SUNY Potsdam Career Center

Industry-Related Tools & Techniques
Gain insight into the tools/techniques used by professionals in a field of interest.
Industry-Related Tools & Techniques
Pre-Meeting Assignment
Keep a 2-day journal of the tools and technologies you use in your various roles as a student and on the job (if currently employed). How do they help you manage and perform your work? How do they help you communicate and collaborate with others? Identify 1-2 goals you aim to accomplish through this mentoring engagement.Meeting One - Conversation Starters
- What technologies do you use in your everyday work roles? How do they help you do your work?
- What’s a good methodology or tool for managing team-based work projects and commitments?
- What are your preferred methods or techniques for evaluating the pros and cons of a strategy or course of action?
- How do you learn to use new tools and technologies? What are some tips for getting comfortable using new tools?
- What tools and techniques are emerging? What are the “must haves” in the toolkits of those entering the field?
Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Learn about mind-mapping as a technique for organizing complex information and their relationships. Search Google Images to find examples of how others have used mind mapping to visualize and analyze information. Use your creative and analytical skills to begin drafting a mind-map or other type of graphic displaying what you have learned about the types of tools and techniques in use or emerging in your field.Meeting Two - Conversation Starters
- What does your mind map reveal about the tools and technologies in the industry?
- What questions do you have based upon the mind map you’ve created?
- What kinds of hands-on, real-world experiences (internships, field observations) would likely provide good opportunities to learn more about these tools/techniques?
- What one or two techniques or tools would you like to gain proficiency, and why?
- What are some suggested next steps for doing so?
Final Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Showcase what you have learned by adding levels, relationships, and details to your mind-map! Once finalized, upload in PDF or JPEG to share with your mentor.Meeting Three - Conversation Starters
- What feedback can you the Mentor offer on the Final Deliverable?
- What questions do you the Mentee have for the Mentor?
- What are the next steps in continuing to develop the knowledge, skills, strategies, etc. you’ve been working on?
Helpful Resources
Example Resources on Industry-specific Tools & Techniques- Top 25 Lean Tools & Techniques [for Manufacturing]
- Positive Psychology 13 Social Work Methods & Interventions for Helping Others
- Indeed Guide To Understanding Marketing Tools
- MindMapping: What is a Mind Map?
- Piktochart
- MS Office
- Canva

Job Role Insights
Deepen your understanding roles that are of interest to you, from general responsibilities to working conditions and opportunities for professional growth.
Job Role Insights
Pre-Meeting Assignment
Using the Career Profiling Worksheet, complete Part 1: The Basics by conducting preliminary research and jotting down your notes on a career of interest to you. Identify 1-2 goals you aim to accomplish through this mentoring engagement.Meeting One - Conversation Starters
- What big questions, issues, work environments, and job duties excite you?
- What inspired/s you to enter into this line of work?
- What surprised you about this line of work that you didn’t anticipate?
- How would you define success in this role?
- What attitudes do you need to have to be successful in this line of work?
- What are the skills and/or information in this line of work that you can only learn by doing?
Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Revisit the Career Profiling Worksheet to complete Part 2: Digging Deeper.Meeting Two - Conversation Starters
- How do your needs, skills, and strengths fit with this career?
- Where do you see this role in 5 years? How do you think it will have changed? What skills do you think will be most valued or sought after?
- Was there ever a role you applied for and landed, but weren't 100% qualified to do? How did you proceed?
- What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
Final Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Write a thank you email letter to your mentor that details your thoughts on the following:- What you value/appreciate about and learned from the mentoring experience.
- How what you have learned is useful for making decisions about your career path.
- Your next steps (e.g. concrete action steps you plan to take to learn more about the career, build needed skills, etc.).
Meeting Three - Conversation Starters
- What feedback can you the Mentor offer on the Final Deliverable?
- What questions do you the Mentee have for the Mentor?
- What are the next steps in continuing to develop the knowledge, skills, strategies, etc. you’ve been working on?
Helpful Resources
- Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook
- Career One Stop Career Profiles
- Indeed offers advice for using job search tools to learn about job roles at
- Check out the resources available SUNY Potsdam Career Center

Maximizing the College Experience
Get connected to college networks and resources for making the most of your learning and living experiences.
Maximizing the College Experience
Pre-Meeting Assignment
Jot down your thoughts in response to the following questions:- What does it mean to “make the most of your college experience”? What would a student who is “making the most” of it actually do?
- Imagine you are an “outsider” to the college seeking to learn about the institution and opportunities for students to make the most of their college experience. What would you want to know? Where would you look to find out? Who or what would you consult?
- What are 1-2 goals you have for this mentoring experience?
Meeting One - Conversation Starters
- What does it mean to “make the most of your college experience”? What would a student do who is “making the most” of it?
- How did you develop connections with your professors outside of the classroom?
- What do you consider to be the most useful/valuable yet often overlooked or underutilized resource(s) for students at this school?
- What types of student activities are available that can be helpful for developing your personal and professional interests and skills?
- How do you learn about opportunities to get involved at this college? What channels do you use?
- Are there interests you have and would like to pursue?
Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Conduct a “scavenger hunt” using digital and other resources to gain a fuller understanding of the resources and networks that the college offers to support you and your success. Don’t forget to include extracurricular activities, student-organized groups and events, and activities and resources associated with your academic program! Create a table using Excel, MS Word, Google Docs or Google Sheets in which you list these resources and networks and jot down notes about how they support students and their experience and success. List as many as you can!Meeting Two - Conversation Starters
- Given the range of options to get involved, what meets your interests and needs? How do you decide which ones to pursue?
- How did/does your needs and interest evolve as a college student over the course of your academic career?
- How did/do you juggle academics, extracurricular and sports, friends, family, and a job?
- Did/do you take advantage of opportunities to get involved in the broader community, such as through volunteerism, participation in local events or organizations, or work? How does this enhance the college experience?
- What are your suggestions for “making the most” of the college experience? What are your recommended next steps?
Final Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Write a thank you email letter to your mentor that details your thoughts on the following:- What you value/appreciate about and learned from the mentoring experience.
- 2-3 ways you intend to increase engagement by building social connections and accessing resources to enhance your college experience.
- Your concrete next steps.
Meeting Three - Conversation Starters
- What feedback can you the Mentor offer on the Final Deliverable?
- What questions do you the Mentee have for the Mentor?
- What are the next steps in continuing to develop the knowledge, skills, strategies, etc. you’ve been working on?
Helpful Resources
- Check out the resources available SUNY Potsdam Career Center
- SUNY Potsdam Academic Calendar
- SUNY Potsdam Academic Resources
- SUNY Potsdam Lougheed Center for Applied Learning
- SUNY Potsdam Campus Life: Get Involved
- SUNY Potsdam Health & Wellness
- SUNY Potsdam Student Support
- SUNY Potsdam Student Success Center
- SUNY Potsdam Veteran Support Services
- LinkedIn How to Maximize Your College Experience
- Psychology Today 11 Ways to Get the Most Out of the College Experience

Negotiating Salary & Benefits
Develop strategies and skills for self-advocating and negotiating compensation in hiring and promotion.
Negotiating Salary & Benefits
Pre-Meeting Assignment
Read this article by Career Builder Imagine you have received a job offer for the position of your dreams. What’s included in the job offer? What kind of salary, benefits, and perks are you looking for? Need versus want? Identify 1-2 goals you aim to accomplish through this mentoring engagement.Meeting One - Conversation Starters
- How do you evaluate a job offer? How do you determine if it’s equitable and in line with what you bring to the table?
- What kind of information should be included in a job offer?
- What questions are useful for gaining a complete understanding of the compensation structure, including factors like opportunities for professional development and growth?
- In addition to salary, what factors are often negotiable?
- What is the first step in accepting a job offer?
Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Locate 1 or 2 job postings for a job role/position of interest to you that includes information on salary and benefits. Research the company to learn more about the benefits, perks for employees, company culture, etc.- What questions remain about the position and expectations for performing this role in the organization?
- What questions do you have about the compensation structure, including opportunities for growth?
Meeting Two - Conversation Starters
- Reflecting upon the job posting information you’ve gathered, how does this line up with your skills, interests, and needs?
- What questions do you have about the compensation structure, including opportunities for growth?
- What are some suggestions for becoming a more assertive negotiator?
- Can we role-play asking for a higher salary or additional benefits?
Final Deliverable (Due at least 48-hours before next meeting):
Write a thank you email letter to your mentor that details your thoughts on the following:- What you value/appreciate about and learned from the mentoring experience.
- Strategies or tactics you feel competent to use in order to self-advocate and negotiate in the hiring process.
Meeting Three - Conversation Starters
- What feedback can you the Mentor offer on the Final Deliverable?
- What questions do you the Mentee have for the Mentor?
- What are the next steps in continuing to develop the knowledge, skills, strategies, etc. you’ve been working on?
Helpful Resources
- Types of Compensation Plans and How to Evaluate Them
- Salary Negotiation Scripts for Any Job
- Pushing for Equal Pay: Everything You Need to Know
- How to Negotiate Your Salary
- Money Under 30 Best Salary Information Websites
- Glassdoor Salary Calculator
- Salary Expert
- Gitlab Compensation Calculator
Academic Mentors
Academic Program Details
*Note: Company, faculty, and students will finalize meeting and communication schedule after collaboration is finalized
Collaboration Requirements
Requested Industries | Accounting & Legal, Aerospace & Defense, Agriculture & Forestry, Arts, Entertainment & Recreation, Biotech & Pharmaceuticals, Business Services, Construction, Repair & Maintenance, Consumer Services, Education, Finance, Government, Health Care, Information Technology, Insurance, Manufacturing, Media, Mining & Metals, Non-Profit, Oil, Gas, Energy & Utilities, Real Estate, Restaurants, Bars & Food Services, Retail, Telecommunications, Transportation & Logistics, Travel & Tourism |
Requested Company Size |
Duration | 18.7 Weeks (01/01/2023 - 05/12/2023) |
Location |
Company Time Commitment | 1 Hour per week of mentoring, answering key questions, and providing access to helpful resources |
Project Count | 20 |