Lehigh University
Experiential Learning Profile

Lehigh is a highly rated private university located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in the Allentown Area. It is a small institution with an enrollment of 4,982 undergraduate students. Admissions is competitive as the Lehigh acceptance rate is 22%. Popular majors include Finance, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science. Graduating 87% of students, Lehigh alumni go on to earn a starting salary of $66,200.
Bethlehem, PA ● Est. 1865 ● lehigh.edu
Active Requests for Proposals
This school currently has no project requests.
Completed Projects
Charter | Company | Program | Status |
Developing a Project Matching Algorithm for Student Teams | CapSource | Computer Science and Business Capstone | Complete |
Fall 2021 Community Building Internship | Lehigh Innovator’s Alliance | Fall 2021 Community Building Internship | Proposal |

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